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Business sectors
  • Automotive and industrial vehicles
  • Energy
  • Life Sciences
  • Naval
  • Oil & Gas
  • Rail
  • Cross-functional expertise
  • Argentina
  • Australia
  • Brazil
  • China
  • France
  • Germany
  • India
  • Israel
  • Italy
  • Mexico
  • Morocco
  • Romania
  • Slovakia
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • The Netherlands
  • Turkey
  • United Kingdom
  • United States

Meet the most comprehensive needs

Based on organisational toolkits, the quality process aims to achieve excellence in terms of practices and to guarantee a strong performance by companies. It involves all functions and covers two key aspects:

  • «System quality», which consists of describing the organisation and operation of an entity by means of its various processes. This results in the production of quality management manuals and the drafting of procedures. The practices defined are subsequently put in place and then monitored.
  • «Operational quality», which applies to two kinds of activity. On the one hand, to product and process engineering, in order to guarantee robust and reliable design in accordance with cost constraints as well as deadlines. Consequently, this may give rise to analyses relating to risks, or to the formalisation of functional specifications or validation plans, etc. On the other hand, to production activities, in order to guarantee the compliance of the product created, by means, for example, of capability studies, inspection plans, malfunction analysis methods, etc.
The + strength of SEGULA Technologies
In the field of quality, SEGULA Technologies teams have expertise, which has already proven its worth: these teams primarily comprise engineers trained in the use of quality tools, who also have genuine expertise in a given business sector, activity, process or product.

The world just needs you to turn differently

The world just needs you to turn differently. We are looking for ingenious engineers with the genius to innovate constantly.

Our jobs vacancies