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Ingenious Employee 24.01.2020
Kévin Coorevits, business manager

Ingenious Colleague: Kévin Coorevits, business manager

My philosophy: “Even the longest journey begins with a single step” – Lao Tseu


My role at SEGULA Technologies:

I am a hydraulics engineer/business manager for our client EDF-CIH (Hydro Engineering Centre) in France. I inspect the safety of head gates in hydroelectric installations. I am also involved in improving the profitability of hydroelectric power plants in France and helping to increase their contribution to the French energy mix.


Professional experience:

I joined SEGULA in early 2014, shortly after graduating. I was chosen for this role based on the knowledge I had acquired during my placements with EDF and in a fluid mechanics laboratory.



I graduated from the ENSE3 (Grenoble-INP) engineering school, where I majored in mechanics and energy. I then decided to specialise in hydraulics after my placement with EDF. I made this decision because of the professional skills involved, which I find very interesting, but also to work on projects using the most widely used renewable energy source in France! Hydropower is now impossible to ignore, because of its usefulness as a renewable energy source and because of the flexibility it offers as part of the energy mix.


+ greatest projects:

For over ten months I have been working on a hybridisation project for batteries and other means of generation. This project is sponsored by our client’s R&D division and I am responsible for surveying hydroelectric installations.

It is a very stimulating challenge, because it is innovative and the specifications are constantly evolving. I really hope the project results in implementation so that you can see all the work we have done on it!


+ greatest passion:

Travel! I love travelling, and to combine cultural discovery with relaxation! Whether it’s London, Brussels, Rome or Milan, I never visit a city without going to a few museums or unmissable attractions!


+ greatest dream:

A round-the-world trip stopping off at the top sights and cities I’d like to visit one day, including Central and South America, Japan, Asia… I could go on!


+ at SEGULA Technologies

The flexibility I have when it comes to choosing assignments suggested by the client. And also the lakes and mountains that provide the backdrop!