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Ingenious Employee 24.12.2019
Leopoldo Fernandez – Senior CAD Designer

My philosophy : “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.”


Role at SEGULA Technologies

I’m a Senior CAD (Computer Aided Designer) at SEGULA Mexico. CAD Designers use technology to help generate designs for complex projects. These designs may be used to create 2D images, a process known as surface modelling, or 3D images, or solid modelling.


Work experience

I used to work for Volvo Buses Mexico as a Product Engineer, was there for 5 years until Ford Motor Company looked in my direction and made an offer. I took the opportunity and was there for 6 months until I took an opportunity with Novares, a French company that makes plastic parts as a Tier1 Supplier for several clients but mainly VW. I was there until I got the call from SEGULA to work on a project with Volvo Trucks, I was instantly interested by the challenge and as for today, very happy to be part of it.



I studied Mechanical and Electrical Engineering at “Universidad Iberoamericana”. Since then I focused my carreer into Automotive Design. I´m certified for HVAC design and maintenance by Eberspacher. Also, Axalta certified me in surface treatment technologies and procedures and I´m an advanced user for Catia Surface Design certified by SSC Group. Thermo plastics expert design certification by “Capacitación en Plástico”. Crash course with “Rigoletti” for Clay Modeling was part of my training for automotive design focused career.


+ greatest projects

All projects have been really great and challenging. One in particular for Volvo buses which I was in charge of various commodities was the Volvo 9800 Coach. I was involved in that project from scratch and it is very pleasing to see it on the roads now after all the efforts and challenges it involved.


+ greatest passion

Cars, engines… Not in a super tune or Pimp my ride way. Any engine will do the trick, I love fixing my own cars in my spare time, from a simple oil change to advanced timing belt replacement or valve adjustments. Anything a car needs to have done I can do, I love when it gets challenging to get to a difficult component.


+ greatest dream

My greatest dream is to leave a footprint that can be seen globally. I´ve always liked the idea of using technology to solve everyday problems and there I see a gap that will need to be filled endlessly, no rush when I see the opportunity I´m totally gonna take it.


+ at SEGULA Technologies

I see great potential in SEGULA technologies, being an engineering consultant opens a wide variety of opportunities, many clients are looking for external engineering services and for now I was called to be part of a specific project with Volvo Trucks North America, but I already had the opportunity to support aeronautical projects with Hutchinson Canada. I guess what I mean is that SEGULA is the type of company where you can learn a lot out of different fields.