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Press Releases 13.03.2019
SEGULA Technologies is presenting three augmented reality and artificial intelligence applications at Laval Virtual for industry 4.0

• Three 4.0 technology application projects
• Stand: HALL E - E36
• Aurélie Fort will lead a conference on the theme “Check Me Guide Me - production conformity control concrete case” – Thursday 21 March, 2:40 - 3:10PM
• Jérôme Julien will debate the topic of augmented reality and artificial intelligence technologies on the factory 4.0 Panel - Thursday 21 March, 4:50 to 5:30PM

Paris, 7 March 2019 – The global engineering group SEGULA Technologies will present three industrial solutions using augmented reality and artificial intelligence technologies at the Laval Virtual exhibition (20-24 March 2019), an international event devoted to virtual reality and immersive techniques.


SEGULA is currently running nearly 200 Research & Innovation projects, providing a major contribution to the digital transformation of its industrial clients in various sectors, particularly in relation to optimising their processes. SEGULA makes use of its proven industrial expertise and its capacity to identify the best technological solution to develop digital solutions whose fields of application are particularly well suited to industrial environments.


The SEGULA Technologies stand at Laval Virtual will give visitors a chance to see and test for themselves three of these augmented reality and artificial intelligence solutions:


Augmented reality by projection and on tablet

3D images are added to real parts using a projector and tablet, allowing operators to adjust and check their actions in real time. This solution, already used by Renault, works using Diota technology and can be adapted for use across the industrial world.


Augmented reality by glasses

SEGULA Technologies has developed two applications for Fiat Powertrain Technologies which use Daqri Glasses to guide operators in preventative maintenance procedures and train workers in specific tasks.


Assembly control by artificial intelligence

By using automatic learning techniques (deep learning) to visually detect and recognise objects, the system notifies the operator in real time through visual or audio signals to say whether they are using the right parts and assembling them correctly. In this way, the artificial intelligence detects faults and improves quality on a production line by overcoming industrial restrictions (absence of operator, impossible access, dangerous zone, too fast pace, etc.).


SEGULA will also present these solutions to the conference and at a round table discussion at Laval Virtual on Thursday 21 March.


PR Laval Virtual 2019 x Segula
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